A Week to Remember (Wayne Week 8)
Welcome to Week 8 of camp on the Wayne site and the last week of camp is where lasting memories are created.
Monday morning we welcomed our newcomers and returners to the camp and did our fun challenges of Would You Rather? or Guess the Emoji. The campers jump out for joy playing this game. Also, they communicate with each other about their opinions or answers.
In 3D Art and Sculptures designing a project of beans creation. The campers in that class started off drawing an object of their choice; some campers drew their favorite sports, or sports teams, as well as a house, and many more.
After the drawing, the campers used beans to design the drawing on paper.
During break time, Capture the Ball was played as well as our favorite: Sharks and Minnows. The campers enjoyed capturing the ball for their team and running around to avoid being tagged by the opposing players. During the last ten minutes of break, the counselors ran to tag the minnows (campers).
We are excited about more engaging activities for this week!