Welcome Crazy ChemWorks to (Wayne Week 6)
As we welcome in the returners and the new camper, we were ecstatic to hear the campers chosen activities and a mini introduction of themselves.
All the campers were adjusted to their chosen activities ready to begin the day. It was nice to see more amped campers warming up to each other.
During the break, we divided the group with one side wanting to play with board games and the other group playing catch the ball. After that, we ended the break with our traditional Sharks and Minnows.
In the Crazy Chemworks, the campers learned about the acids, base, and pH when adding or mixing chemicals with each other. The campers were fascinated by the changes of colors and the level of pH the colors may be. As scientists, the campers made some hypothesis on if the chemicals were acid or base and why.
It was a fun day! Let’s have more fun this week!